These are double zipped for easy access with an internal zipped pocket for valuables.
Student name label covered with Velcro flap
- SIZE: 5.5"(h) x 14"(w) x 6.5"(d)
Orders can be collected (no appointment needed) by students from B7 during the following times:
MONDAY: Before lessons (08:00 - 08:55)
WEDNESDAY: Morning break (11:05 - 11:25), lunchtime (13:30 - 14:20) & after school (15:20 - 17:00)
FRIDAY: Before lessons (08:00 - 08:55)
SATURDAY: We aim to open at least one Saturday per month during term time for order collection, fittings and general purchasing.
Please check here for dates & BEFORE TRAVELLING as these openings are subject to change at short notice.
SATURDAY 08/02/25: 09:00 - 10:00
Fittings are available during SATURDAY openings (as above) on a first come, first served basis.
Fittings on a WEDNESDAY must be pre-booked via
We will NOT be open in school holidays or on inset days
These are double zipped for easy access with an internal zipped pocket for valuables.
Student name label covered with Velcro flap